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Urgent: Vote on Amendments for Heritage Trail Homeowners - Action Required

Published: December 12, 2023

I hope this message finds you well. We are reaching out to you with time-sensitive information regarding crucial amendments discussed during the Special Meeting held on July 19th, 2023. Click Full Story for more information.

I hope this message finds you well. We are reaching out to you with time-sensitive information regarding crucial amendments discussed during the Special Meeting held on July 19th, 2023. These proposed changes have the potential to save our community thousands of dollars annually, safeguard your investment, and contribute to the creation of a robust, flourishing community for years to come.

Voting Process:
To cast your vote, please visit the HOA website at and select the "Homeowner Online Forms" section to complete the online form. Alternatively, you can email your ballot directly to our community manager, Michelle Dando, at Your participation is vital, so kindly respond to all four questions.

Click here to cast your Ballot online now!

Important Information:
Only homeowners are eligible to participate. You may only cast one ballot for your home address. You must provide your name and property address for ballot validation and contact Information:

Results Announcement:
The results of the vote will be published online and announced at the next Special Meeting.

We genuinely appreciate the participation of each homeowner in this important decision-making process. Your involvement will shape the future of Heritage Trail and contribute to the continued prosperity of our community. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. Your active involvement is key to the success of these amendments and the well-being of our community. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to Michelle Dando at 214-705-1615.

Click here to download and read the HT Homeowner Notice of Survey

Click here to download and read the DCCRs-1st.Amend (10-2023)

Click here to download and complete the paper version of the Heritage Trails Proposed Amendment Changes 2023

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