Archived Events

  1. Notice of 2024 Annual Meeting

    Event Starts: September 04, 2024

    6:30 P.M.

    The 2024 Annual Meeting of the homeowners is scheduled for Wednesday, September 4, 2024, at 6:30 p.m. via

    Heritage Trails Annual Meeting
    Sep 4, 2024, 6:30 P.M. – 8:30 P.M.

    Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone. You can also dial in using your phone.
    Access Code: 655-383-293 United States: +1 (571) 317-3122.

    Get the app now and be ready when your first meeting starts:

    Click here to view the meeting documents: Click here to download and read Heritage Trails 2024 Annual Meeting Notice v2

    Click here to Submit Your Proxy now!

    A proxy is a written instrument, signed by the member, which duly appoints the member’s voting rights and attendance. Please take a moment to complete a proxy, even if you plan to attend, as unforeseen circumstances can occur. The deadline to return the proxy is Tuesday, September 3, 2024, by 5:00 P.M. Please complete the online form at or email your proxy to Your attendance, or proxy, will help fulfill the quorum requirements. The quorum required to hold a meeting is twenty percent (20%) of all lot owners. If the quorum for the annual meeting is not met, the Association will not be able to conduct any Association business, and will incur additional expenses to recall, reschedule and re-notice.

    An election will be held for Two (2) positions on the Board of Directors. If you are interested in running, please complete the Candidacy Form and email it to association manager, by 5:00 P.M. Monday, September 2, 2024.

    If you have any questions, please let me know.


    Benjamin Hardy
    Community Association Manager

    More information
  2. Board of Directors Meeting

    Event Starts: June 30, 2023


    Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet, or smartphone.

    Click here to download and read the Heritage Trails BOD Meeting 6.30

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